BlockTunes BSC Wallet **BETA**

To use the NFT Collections or the DAO platform, you will need to install Metamask Web3.0 wallet on Chrome or Brave browsers. You can add your existing Metamask wallet to your BlockTunes internal wallet by using your private key. See Wallet Management for more. This feature is in BETA! Please use at your own risk! This wallet only shows your BlockTunes related tokens, and all of your NFTs on Binance Smart Chain, For security purposes it is a display only wallet.

Installing Metamask – Adding BSC – Importing BlockTunes Wallet to Metamask

NFTs on Binance Smart Chain

[ethereum-wallet-nft columns=”3″ rows=”2″]

[ethereum-wallet-balance tokenname=”bTUNES” tokenaddress=”0x44F22B5B1b6a1Db84C2b4cFF5069DE3260095eB6″]

[ethereum-wallet-balance tokenname=”BTD” tokenaddress=”0x6758359582ec5c602f5121095807b062a15a9d5d”]

[ethereum-wallet-balance tokenname=”bHBD” tokenaddress=”0x874966221020D6aC1AeD0E2cfAd9cBfEe0bA713B”]



Select your wallet account to use:


Import Your Existing Metamask or other Ethereum Based Wallet

If you already have a Metamask wallet and you want to attach it to your BlockTunes wallet so you can view your NFTs and BlockTunes token balances, you can use the import feature here.

***NOTE*** You will need your PRIVATE KEY to import the wallet, not the seed phrase. Follow these instructions on exporting your private key. Take extreme caution and make sure nobody else is around.

